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Jan 05
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Peter B.
Peter B. from Buchanan, MI said:
This sounds like the world today, not that I'm saying we should have a king. There is only one King, and that King is Jesus Christ. Revive us Father, prepare us/ (the body of Christ) for the Return of your Son Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Amen, Peter. Just shows that humanity really never changes, society for the most part thinks, whatever is beneficial for ME...!!! Sure will be nice when we reside with our King of kings for ever. Be blessed, as we keep our eyes on what KING JESUS is doing. :-)
Oct 18
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Without a leader a nation is unable to function effectively. Lord, we need You back as the leader of our nations, which have drifted away from You. Help us Lord to be led by Your Holy Spirit. Amen
Peter B.
Peter B. from Buchanan, MI said:
Amen Lloyd Did Canada's leaders sign something about Sharia?
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Not that I've heard of, Peter, but it wouldn't surprise me with the incompetent leaders we have right now. Our last Prime Minister was a believer but the current one surely is not.
Oct 18
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Patty B.
Patty B. from Dallas, GA said:
Reading this chapter it is obvious everyone did as they pleased, not seeking direction and wisdom from God. Isn't that like our world today, everyone doing what they want, living how they please thinking there are no consequences? Oh but there are consequences for every action.
Oct 18
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Peter B.
Peter B. from Buchanan, MI said:
No King? Our God is our King, bring back America/ all Nations back to God. America is on a Parallel course like Israel,/Nations both(All) denied the Lord and defied the law, and defiled the Land. God is about to judge us like He did Israel. We are living in desperate times, just like Israel we are favoring the World. Is there any Hope? Where there's God there's Hope, Time To Bring America Back To God .
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Amen brother Peter. There is but one hope; 2Ch 7:14-15 if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (15) Now My eyes shall be open, and My ears shall be open to the prayer of this place.
Oct 18
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Terry J.
Terry J. from Hinsdale, NY said:
The events of this chapter surely bring this fact out. Israel was supposed to be a monarchy ruled by God Himself but the people abandoned God and His Word and lived as they pleased. All you have to do is turn on the TV and you will quickly see that we are living in the days of Judges ourselves. Our society wants nothing to do with God's Word or be ruled by God and we are paying the consequences for our choices. God has sent His Deliverer, Jesus Christ and we need to repent of our sins and receive the gift of forgiveness He offers. Come to Jesus before it's too late!
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Amen, Terry. We all need to draw near to the Lord, in repentance, just as the Lord directed in 2 Chronicles 7:14, and promised to answer in verse 15. God bless, Terry.
Aug 12
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Angela G.
Angela G. from North Myrtle Beach, SC said:
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. It is easy to get caught up in our plan instead of Gods. Plans left to us usually end in ruins. They should have just went to God and repented and renounce their vow and agreed to give their daughters as wives instead of more killing and kidnapping. This chapter screams the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right"
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Soooooooo true, Angela. When reading thru all those stories we can see Isreal walking with God, being blessed, starting to live like the world around them, being judged and taken over by their evil enemy, they cry out to God, He rescues them, they walk with Him for awhile, get comfortable in their blessings, start living like the world, back into bondage. We think, "why don't they ever learn their lesson? " But don't we do the same thing? I know I do. USA is headed down the bondage trail right now. All the while Israel was sinning, God sent prophets to warn them. Did they listen to the prophets and repent? No, they persecuted and killed them. Today we have ex Muslims and experts who've studied Islam telling our government and our people living here about the threat of Islam. No one's listening, in fact they call us Islamaphobic hate mongers. They're trying to pass laws against "hate speach". Downtown in Orlando, at the court house, a judge legislated from the bench and created "free speech zones". What the heck? US Constitution says the whole country is a free speech zone, for crying out loud! Our President has put members of the Muslim Brotherhood in key positions of our government. The Muslim Brotherhood calls them Trojan horses. They're building mosques at an alarming rate. The ex Muslims tell us that these mosques are training facilities for taking over of country and bringing in sharia law. Dearborn, Michigan is now considered a no-go zone. That means the Muslims have taken over, they have their own Muslim police, mayor, judges, everything, and have set up sharia law. Nabeel Kareshi, an ex Muslim, and His best friend, David Wood, an expert on Islam who lead Nabeel to the Lord, both went there to a Muslim festival wearing Jesus t shirts. They didn't begin Street witnessing or anything, they just walked around with the t shirts on. Some of the Muslims came up and started asking them questions about the t shirts. When they began giving answers, they got arrested. It's happening here in USA, there's a group called ACT For America. If anyone reading this is interested, Google it and check it out. Go to you tube and search for Bridgette Gabriel, Nabeel Kareshi, David Wood, Noni Darwish, Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem Bill Warner and ABNSAT. They're a few of the either ex Muslims or experts on Islam.
Oct 05
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Don F.
Don F. from St Petersburg, FL said:
This is so true of most, but all to some degree. Father please forgive me and help me to be more obedient. Thank you for Your mercy.
Jul 27
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Allan S.
Allan S. from Southampton, ON said:
I guess this explains their stupidity.
Jul 23
Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
We see a lot of people today doing whatever they see fit in their own eyes.
Taisha S.
Taisha S. from Hollywood, FL said:
Hey Lloyd! How have you been? Great point!
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Been good just had the system not post my comments for a couple of days.