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Apr 06
Psalms 10:2
In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak,
who are caught in the schemes he devises.
Rachel R.
Rachel R. from Molalla, OR said:
The weak are those not committed to God and they are caught in the schemes of the devil who rewards them in a worldly way... But their spirits are enslaved and broken down without God they become victims and eventually suffer but in vs 14 they commit to God and he heals them spiritually , God is loving and patient and when we don't have God in our life we are slaves to the masters of this world which leave us empty, injured and afflicted. God is loving and cares for his children and often it isn't until we are really hurt and broken that we turn to God and allow him to protect and heal us..God is always ready and waiting to protect us and heals us... It is only when we walk away or don't acknowledge God that we get caught by the enemy... Even when we have a close relationship with God we need to be vigilant and stay close to our father God and rejoice in knowing his love for us cannot compare to anything this world has to offer and we are loved and well taken care of ...we can share & glorify God by trusting and staying close to God and growing and becoming more like our Lord & Savior Jesus extending our love and being the light in the darkness... There is no place for arrogance and we aren't caught in the schemes and devises of the wicked but rather can reflect Gods love and reflect Jesus and that allows God to plant seeds and help the lost victims search and commit to God... The arrogant and wicked will always be hunting down the weak but if we stand firm in our faith and follow Jesus more people will seek God and his salvation from the wicked ways of the flesh and the light will shine in the darkness and that allows Gods plans and protection to be revealed through the grace & mercy we have received and to be shared and reflected to the lost victims .
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Great insight, Rachel. Welcome back, we've missed u.