
Newest Comments on Psalms 127:3


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On Psalms 127:3 by Elena G.

“Children are a blessing sent from above. I have been blessed with five…”

On Psalms 126:3 by Elena G.

“I am truly grateful for the Lords graces and blessings. All glory and…”

On Psalms 105:1 by Wally H.

“1. praise (Him) 2. proclaim (Him) 3. make (Him) known”

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Apr 24
Psalms 127:3
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Elena G.
Elena G. from Somewhere said:
Children are a blessing sent from above. I have been blessed with five grandchildren and I thank you lord for your goodness.
Oct 26
Psalms 127:3
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Terry J.
Terry J. from Hinsdale, NY said:
When your children are driving you crazy it's good to remember that children are a heritage from the Lord! When your children break your heart it's good to remember that children are a heritage from the Lord. God has blessed my wife and I with six children and so far four grandchildren. I am a truly blessed man!
Lloyd S.
Lloyd S. from Trenton, ON said:
Indeed you are, Terry. May your heritage be carried on as your children pass on the riches of the Lord. God bless you and your family, Terry.
Oct 26
Psalms 127:3
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Terry J.
Terry J. from Hinsdale, NY said:
In a culture where abortions are a common thing and children are abused by some parents, we have forgotten that children are a heritage from the Lord. May we never forget that children are a blessing from a loving God! I could use these Gospels of John and may we have a passion to reach children for Christ.
Jul 31
Psalms 127:3
Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Funny, not ha ha, our country has aborted over 50 million babies since Row v Wade. We've taken our heritage from The Lord and literally thrown it in the garbage. That's a whole generation of scientists, computer programmers, engineers, school teachers, law enforcement, doctors, leaders, etc. All people that would've been paying into social security. Of course since our illustrious President Clinton masterfully balanced our national budget by paying off the National debt from the social security fund, we have legions of people aging and ready to retire and no social security. We're reaping the curse of our thumbing our noses at God and it's not a pretty sight and it's not going to get prettier. Especially since the Muslims are pro creating by at least quadruple the amount the rest of us are. It won't be long before by just the shear immigration and procreation numbers that it'll swing an election. I hope all these liberal feminists that threw their babies in the garbage are ready to welcome their designer berkas. Papa God, please forgive our nation for literally casting our pearls before swine. Please bring revival to our land. Please bring repentance into Your church and forgive us for our ignorance and selfishness. Please forgive anyone that's had an abortion, or participated in one in any way shape or form. They didn't know what they were doing. It's not the unpardonable sin and You are indeed faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Nancy M.
Nancy M. from Runnemede, NJ said:
so sad, abortion is all about money, from those getting the abortion, those giving the abortion and those giving out fake birth control to teens. greed indeed.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
My sister in law works at the pregnancy Centre at our church and she told me that there's women that get abortions that really aren't pregnant or have tubal pregnancies and the Dr has sucked out part of her inside. These women have been mamed and even died.
Nancy M.
Nancy M. from Runnemede, NJ said:
Yeah, those stories are never told to the public. How your center is in your church. That must be some great church. We have a local crisis pregnancy center that EE teams up with. The center gives free ultra sounds to the clients. Besides counsel, they have what the call “equip classes” for the client and a guest. They have a class just for the fathers called “dad’s the man”. Each time they attend a class they get free “baby bucks” that can be used as money at the centers thrift store. After the baby is born they have parenting classes for the client and father of the baby and of course the baby. After the baby is born the center puts together gift bags that wEE deliver….. John 4:34-38 –…… Jesus said, I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor. – Some of these clients have had breaks ups with the baby of father, some had their parents kick them out of the house and all kinds of stories. The center ministers to them for 9 months. Then the beautiful baby, that is truly a gift from God, comes and everyone’s heart is soft and thankful. That’s when wEE come and deliver more free gifts. Sometimes we just talk to the client, sometimes we get her parent or his parents or neighbors or young brother and sisters. We have a great harvest. Then we have a follow up team that comes out a few months later. Even if they are not ready to receive Christ, the feel they have to be polite and listen since we have brought gifts and the center has done so much for them. If there is any way possible you can get your EE teams to make these deliveries i highly recommend it.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Ours gives free sonogram too. They have a thrift store and give care throughout the pregnancy, but even tho its part of the church, it's not part of the building altho its on the property. Our EE teams go out and visit people that visit our church and fill out a visitor card. Its kinda hard because sometimes who go out, drive long distances and get no one home. But what my team did and will do as long as I'm leader/trainer is knock on doors. That's my favorite thing to do I is
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
Oops, after we get a no home, we walk as the spirit leads to whatever door He tells us and knock. It's REALLY neat to walk with God leading that way. Those visitations keep our teams REALLY busy, can badly keep up. I think ministering at the pregnancy Centre may be kinda neat too tho.
Nancy M.
Nancy M. from Runnemede, NJ said:
Funny, i think my least favorite OJT is knocking on doors. But i try to give each trainee experience in all situations. In good weather, we walk the streets looking for people sitting on their front step. In winter we have to knock on doors. i love to go to the university student center, especially when the trainees are college age. i also love to get kids sitting outside of convenience stories, or outside the malls or hanging out on corners. Laundromats are also good because you have a captive audience. The same is true of food courts in the malls. i don’t like starbucks or carnivals but some people love them. i used to treat all my trainees to one Chinese dinner each. They had to show the waitress a Chinese tract and ask them to translate it for them. One time we were invited to stay past closing hours and shared while we ate free cookies and tea. Anyway, with the crisis pregnancy center you are serving 2 ministries at once and fruit is easy pickings. Never thought i would be talking EE on this forum.
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
That's neat about the Chinese tracts. Did the Chinese person/people accept Christ?
Donna N.
Donna N. from Orlando, FL said:
I don't know about New Jersey, but down here, most Chinese restaurants are owned by Vietnamese people. I'm not sure if they speak Chinese or not.