Together we can reach africa with the word of god!

Our ministry partners in South Africa are urgently asking for our help to provide 500,000 Gospels for sharing during evangelism events and services on Pentecost on Sunday, May 19, 2024.

Please join us in reaching our goal! How incredible to think that 500,000 people will have the opportunity to hear the living Word of God! 

Your gift today will help us quickly fulfill this request!

Donate now

Donation amount:
$ (USD)
Card Number:
CVV Security Number:
Name on Card:
Bank Name:
Account Type:
Routing (ABA) Number:
Account Number:
Name on Account:
On the next page you will be directed to PayPal where you can log in and complete your payment.
Please enter your card billing address below for address verification.
Street address:

ZIP/Postal code:

Please check the box below to help prevent fraudulent use of this form.

Where do I find my credit card verification number?

For VISA, MasterCard and Discover:

The card verification number is the last three digits printed on the back of your card in the signature panel, as shown below:

For American Express:

The card verification number is the four small numbers printed on the front of your American Express card, above the last few embossed numbers:

Where do I find my routing and account numbers?

Just look on your personal checks. You'll see a series of numbers at the very bottom, in a computer style font (known as MICR). They look like this:

Finding your Routing number:

The Routing number identifies your bank to the banking system. It consists of a 9-digit number usually located between |: and :| symbols, like this:

You can also look up your routing number online, by entering your banking information at the following website:

Finding your Account number:

Your Account number usually appears after your check number. You can always look at your bank statement to make sure you get it right. On your checks, it will typically look like this:

First Name:
Last Name:

Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Note: Please include area code along with your phone number